Is your Pinterest full?

I get it, trust me. You see something, you fall in love, you save it and do it again tomorrow. But what happens after that? The next day we get bored, we go on Pinterest again and before we know it we’ve saved another 10 pins! Of course we have full intention of coming back and creating one those projects, but its so hard to find the and the energy to go back, choose something and actually do it. I’m going to be honest, other than finally having time to do some of the things that I’ve been dreaming of doing, this little website started with one of those Pinterest love stories. Pictorial quilts (enter sunbeam from heaven). But nobody can just step into doing the kind of detailed pictorial quilts I’m dreaming of. But they could in theory work up to it, gaining the skills along the way.

I come from a long line of busy hand ladies. I admit, I can’t sit still and I think I lost my fear of trying new things and the possible failure that comes with it some time ago. Over the years I have done it all. But now I want to share what I’ve done and continue to do, with you. Don’t be surprised to see posts here on quilting, furniture up cycling, home decor, sewing, crochet, woodworking, renovations (tiling, drywall, framing, flooring, plumbing, a smidgin of electrical and trim work…yes I’ve done all those) and basically wherever new peaks my interest.

So if your looking for your next project and inspiration and maybe needing a bit of help, let me show you how I did that.